sapphire engagement rings

  1. Five Reasons Why Sapphire Is the Kind of Gemstone that Is Sometimes Better than Diamonds

    Yes, we have all heard that a diamond is a woman’s best friend and getting a diamond engagement ring is the dream of many a young woman. However, it is also common knowledge that diamonds are some of the rarest gemstones with an unrivaled hardness, which makes it so expensive that many people have to drain their savings to buy...
  2. About White Sapphire Engagement Rings

    This is one of the finest gemstones on the planet, white sapphire engagement ring will make your bride speechless immediately she sees the sparkling engagement ring you have made a selection of for her. Expect her to cry out YES!!!Make a choice of whitesapphire engagement ring that fitsher personality and an announcement to the world about your bond as a...
  3. Rainbow Sapphire: A modern gem and jewelry collection

    Sapphire is actually all corundum- aluminum oxide that is not red. The word is primarily derived from the Greek ‘sappheiros’ whose meaning is blue. However, one needs to put in mind the fact that sapphire does not occur only in blue hue. Rainbow sapphires can be green, brown, brown, and pink, this highly depends on the presence of various kinds...

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