This is one of the finest gemstones on the planet, white sapphire engagement ring will make your bride speechless immediately she sees the sparkling engagement ring you have made a selection of for her. Expect her to cry out YES!!!Make a choice of whitesapphire engagement ring that fitsher personality and an announcement to the world about your bond as a couple. A sapphire engagement ring has a wide choice of hues from almost nude, bright hot pink to pink. There are high chances that your spouse adores pink (as many do) and in most cases has this color surrounding her in her bedroom through the selection of curtains, bedcovers etc. But the allure of white sapphire engagement rings or the white gold engagement ring will actually capture her. These are but amazing pieces of art and beauty that carry with them the natural qualities of sapphire gemstone. Maybe the color has come in her dream about the two of you having a fairytale wedding in those colors don’t mind. index1 The basic cost of a white sapphire engagement ring is said to be the same as a two month earning. There has been a wide selection of weddings in pink and green theme. This is a brilliant combination of feminine and masculine hues. It is very natural for a beautiful girl to be in pink even though with engagement rings, there are several types to choose from, they include the white gold engagement ring, and the white sapphire engagement rings. The sapphire engagement ring as the gemstone itself is mostly linked to be a qualification of loyalty, honesty and faithfulness. This is why it is a favorite choice for engagement rings. The sapphire engagement rings got its share of popularity during the Prince Charles presentation to Lady Diana with an oval sapphire engagement ring which was surrounded by14 diamonds for their engagement. Pink Sapphires engagement rings are provided in oval, round or rectangular shapes. Sapphires by itself is hardy, with a measurement of are quite hard, measuring 9 on the Mohs scale, with the diamond being the only gem that is harder than it. Sapphire is tactually the birthstone for the month of September, and belongs to the same gem family as the ruby. The sapphire engagement rings carry with them the natural attributes of the sapphire gemstone (as mentioned earlier).The star sapphire for example- called so due to the appearance of a sparkle in its center has for a long time been thought to be a love charm.  The bands of light across the stone that created the star like appearance are said to represent destiny and hope. The sapphires gemstone are said to have given wisdom and protection to generations of Kings. In olden times, priests often used it in order to assist them to make predicationof the future. Biblically, it was one of the twelve stones given to Moses to place in the breastplate of Aaron. Sapphires gemstones were also kept in the foundation of the walls of Jerusalem.