
  1. Some techniques to care and maintain Rainbow Sapphire Jewelry

    When you buy purchase rainbow sapphire jewelry, you hope that one day your children will inherit them, and perhaps pass them to the next generation. Well the good news is that this is possible; the dream of your rainbow sapphire jewelry going that far can be realized. The only thing you need to do is to actually have some techniques...
  2. Why to purchase Rainbow Sapphire Jewelry

    Rainbow sapphire jewelry has for many years been a major attraction. These amazing gemstones are too beautiful to even think of avoiding them. The reasons of why one needs to purchase these stones are many. It all depends to what you like or admire about the rainbow sapphire jewelry.  They are perhaps hundreds of reasons for purchasing these amazing rainbow...
  3. How a Rainbow Sapphire Ring Can Make You a Showstopper

    Haven’t given a thought to sapphire gems for your jewelry and accessories? It is one of the rarest and hardest minerals and offers great value for money. Diamonds are very expensive and most other gems come in one or two colors that are often pale. Sapphires, on the other hand are much less expensive than diamonds and come in a...
  4. About White Sapphire Engagement Rings

    This is one of the finest gemstones on the planet, white sapphire engagement ring will make your bride speechless immediately she sees the sparkling engagement ring you have made a selection of for her. Expect her to cry out YES!!!Make a choice of whitesapphire engagement ring that fitsher personality and an announcement to the world about your bond as a...
  5. Multi colored Rainbow Sapphire Tennis Bracelets

    There is nothing thrilling like walking into a jewelry store and coming out having purchased a dazzling rainbow sapphire bracelet. This rainbow sapphire jewelry actually a piece of beauty for both who wear them on occasions and the collectors. The rainbow sapphire tennis bracelet gives one an air of sophistication to the owner; this combined with the mystic power therein...
  6. Rainbow Sapphire: A modern gem and jewelry collection

    Sapphire is actually all corundum- aluminum oxide that is not red. The word is primarily derived from the Greek ‘sappheiros’ whose meaning is blue. However, one needs to put in mind the fact that sapphire does not occur only in blue hue. Rainbow sapphires can be green, brown, brown, and pink, this highly depends on the presence of various kinds...
  7. Rainbow Sapphire Hoop Earrings

    Sapphire hoop earrings provide an array of colorful selection to the buyers. These hoops earrings are found in shades of pink, green, yellow, orange, and blue as per demand. Padparadscha is also a type of sapphire which is an intriguing pink and orange color that the hoop earrings can be found in- the name is derived from the name of...
  8. How to buy real Rainbow Sapphire Jewelry than a fake one

    With the scientist coming up with a way of developing rainbow sapphire in the labs, this has greatly attributed to the appearance of fake gemstone jewelry in the market. Natural rainbow gemstone took millions of years to form, but in the lab it only takes a few hours of chemical combination for one to have a synthetic gemstone. Though the...
  9. How to value Rainbow sapphire jewelry

    Valuation of rainbow sapphire jewelry is a very complex process. A few things must be closely considered before the end price of rainbow sapphire jewelry is determined. One of the factors that are put under consideration is the color of the rainbow sapphire jewelry. It’s a fact that the colors of for example wedding rings for women that comes in...
  10. Sapphire – In Its Many Colors

    Widely known as a birthstone for the month September Sapphire is prized globally. Though its name in Latin means blue, this gemstone is not always blue. Its occurrence is in multitudes of colors that are not known to many people. Apart from these colors, the red sapphire is normally referred to as ruby. Unfortunately the other colors are rare than...

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