2-most-expensive-jewelry Looking through your jewelry collection, there’s a good chance you’ve subconsciously collected colored jewelry in one shade more than the others. Do you have hundreds of blue bracelets, fistfuls of red rings, or a tonne of green beads? Read on to see what the colour of your jewelry say about you: Red - When wearing red, you’re signalling to your fiery nature. You have a need for physical fulfilment and are ready to embrace life through all your senses. That red necklace is signalling you are ready to go and enjoy the moment. Yellow - This bright colour shows you are able to express your individuality and you have a clear and logical outlook. Yellow oozes confidence and reflects your need to create and inspire. Blue - When you want a sense of peace and well-being, you’ll probably be wearing your favorite blue jewels. Blue shows your deep desire to live to your own beliefs and ideals without having to change to fit other people. Green - Those who wear green are often insecure, and have a strong need to be loved and feel safe and secure. You’ll often be craving acknowledgment and a simple ‘thank you’ for achieving everyday things is much appreciated. Purple - Purple lovers are extremely affection and spiritual individuals. If you wear purple often you’re likely to have a deep need to help others and achieve perfection in as much as possible. Black - Is Gothic jewellery your thing? Black jewelry wearers have a need for control and power to protect emotional insecurities. White - If you wear white jewelry a lot, it’s safe to say you like simplicity in life. You’re self-reliant and independent and don’t like to depend on others. Silver - When silver jewelry is your favourite, you have an insightful and intuitive personality with a strong feeling of being connected to a higher being. Gold - Gold wearers radiate personality, charisma and confidence. They have a way of making people feel relaxed and appreciated. Is your jewelry collection full of many different colours? Well perhaps you’re all these things! Multi-color jewellery wearers are happy-go-lucky individuals who can adjust and change to fit any situation. You don’t take things to seriously and just like to enjoy life as best you can. We have the perfect jewelry solution for you!