Gemstone Sapphire is a very precious gemstone that belongs to the corundum family. This is but a mineralogical name given to crystallized Aluminum oxide. Corundum in pure form is extremely hard to come by. But it’s usually colorless. Some small measures of metallic impurities – especially iron and chrome are found, giving rise to an array of color variations in the gemstone sapphire. A blue corundum gemstone is just but Sapphire. Gemstones of other colorations are known by the color as a prefix. A good example is yellow sapphire, pink sapphire and etc. Two other color choices have been given specific names, the red Ruby and the orangish-pink Padparadscha. These gemstones sapphire are all the more attractive for the main reason of their attractive colors, rich history and the spiritual qualities associated with them. A Legend goes that the tablets containing the Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mt. Sinai were indeed made of gemstone sapphire. Historical rulers adorned gemstone sapphires around their necks as a war of defending themselves against any harm, get rid of evil and get divine favors. images12 In the older times it was thought that wisdom energy was found inside the gemstone sapphire. It was a high held belief that the power made the wearer uncover the needed solutions to a given problem. The gemstone sapphire has been a sign of the heavens, protection of the innocent and loaded with truth, loyalty, and sincerity. The older Persians held a belief that the crust of the earth rested on a large gemstone sapphire, whose illumination gave a reflection to the sky at sunset. The word sapphire is derived from the Latin word sapphirus whose meaning is basically blue. Ruby on the other hand is gotten from the Latin word ruber whose meaning is red. The word corundum is from the Sanskrit word kurivinda. Long time ago, it was thought that all gemstones grew and ripened with transforming seasons similar to the fruits on a tree in the environment. Getting started as white, the gemstone get to maturity and perfect as the sun shines. When deep red, the gemstones were said to be fully ripe. The paler looking ones were seen to have been plucked from the earth too early. The beautiful red ripe stone (ruby) was named Kuruvinda in the old Indian language of Sanskrit. The word Corundum comes from this old Sanskrit word and includes all gemstones made of crystallized Aluminum oxide- Al2O3 with the inclusion of Ruby. Despite the fact that the most globally known color of gemstone sapphire is blue , which ranges from clear medium dark violet to purple blue- This gemstone is found in almost all the known colors e.g. yellow, orange, white, pink and purple. With its coloration, its originality has greatly its value. The most expensive and amazing gemstone sapphire is very blue in color with a speck of violet and their origin is the Kashmir region of India. The one that comes closer to this in the tones of its color comes from Burma-Myanmar. Sapphires that come close to Kashmir sapphires in color tones are those from Burma (Myanmar).