Rainbow Sapphires – Not just Blue

Sapphire gems are most commonly thought of as a shade of blue. The word sapphire is Greek in origin and comes from the word sappheiros, meaning blue. Blue is just one color that these precious stones come in. There is a rainbow of colors that natural sapphires are made up of. These are classified as unique sapphire colors or rainbow sapphires. Orange sapphires can be pale to a bright red-orange, and can also be found in a deep orange with a hint of brown. The orange sapphire is also known as the Padparadscha Sapphire. This can be found with pale pink hues to deep orange with pink overtones, and everything in between. The Padparadscha Sapphire is one of the most rare gems and is highly collectable and valuable. The name comes from Sanskrit and means lotus color, because the color of the gem resembles the color of a lotus flower. [caption id="attachment_85" align="alignnone" width="300"] Orange Rainbow Sapphire Orange sapphires bring warmth, comfort, strength, vitality and purpose[/caption] Red sapphires are actually classified as rubies. Both the ruby and the sapphire come from the same mineral called corundum. The International Colored Gemstone Association determined many years ago that all gemstones made of corundum would be classified as sapphire with the exception of the red stones, which would be classified as ruby.

Where do Red and Orange Sapphires come from?

Sapphires should be 100% natural earth mined. Ethical mining means that profits from the stones go directly back into community projects at the source. We purchase our sapphires from all over the world. Sapphires can be found in Thailand, Kenya, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Australia, and Madagascar. Red and orange sapphires have a long history but are becoming very popular. Our red and orange sapphires come from Thailand and Southern Tanzania. Mining in Songea has taken place since the mid 1990s and it is the most productive sapphire mining region in Tanzania. Thailand is known for its high-quality ruby and sapphire gems. The red and orange stones currently mined in Tanzania and Thailand are particular excellent in color and clarity.

Rainbow Sapphire Meaning

Sapphires have special meaning to many people around the world. Some of their most valued qualities are:
  • Wisdom - they have been placed in crowns of royalty throughout the world because they are associated with wisdom.
  • Folk healing - sapphires are believed to relieve ailments such as tension, nosebleeds, confusion, hearing problems, poor decision making, poor concentration, epilepsy, fevers, and burns.
  • Inner strength - it is said that by wearing sapphire jewerly you will feel stronger within and will be able to align your spirituality with your current life.
  • Energy flow - sapphire is associated with the throat chakra, which is linked to self-expression of feelings, communication, and the truth.
  • Artistic ability -  red and orange sapphires are talismans for artists and writers.  They identity with the rainbow sapphire meanings of creativity, spirituality, wisdom, and sensitivity.
  • Communication - orange sapphires are a symbol of communication, helping those who wear them find their voice. It has been said to help those who wear it tap into their inspiration and hear their muses.
  Jewelry with red or orange sapphire in it would make an excellent gift for writers, artists, speakers, and leaders. You don't have to stick with the traditional blue sapphire as a gift. Rainbow sapphires will inspire and heal. They will bring out creativity, communication, mental clarity, purpose, vitality, warmth, comfort, and strength. Rainbow sapphire meanings are beautiful, just like the gems themselves.