The miracle of beauty offered by rainbow sapphire rings with its unique designs is just above board. The rainbow sapphire gemstones have been for hundreds of years been a centre of debate and beauty.  Adorned for various reasons, these unique stones are just amazing. They have been known to carry powers that help to get rid of evil spirits and wade off bad luck. The rainbow sapphire gemstones have had a share of their own good and bad! At some stage, these great stones were said to be adorned by thieves and robbers by stories that appeared in literature at those times, making folks associate them with that. But all this faded off and currently the stones are loved by thousands of fashion conscious people globally. From movie theatres to hockey pitches and tennis courts, the rainbow sapphire designs have been revealed with pride and an air of complexity. R1129I-150x200 The designs that come with these stones are in plenty. But all of them share one thing, the magical beauty! A good example of this design is the rainbow sapphire ring. This piece of beauty is designed for both men and women. For men, especially those in the sporting arena or show biz, the confidence that the rings provide is just beyond words. They display it in confidence, getting the admiration of many, and of course the followers. For women on the other hand, the sapphire rainbow rings have the charm that they require. When offered as a present, the capture that it gives women is unexplainable. It gives a sense of seriousness when offered to them by a romantic partner and act as glue that results to a successful relationship with a future outlook that most likely goes to marriage. The unique ring designs fit any occasion that they are adorned for. The sparkling array of colors is always noticeable and gives attention to the owners. From weddings to graduations or show biz awards and sports name them and the rings would be handy for any of the occasion. Sapphire ring designs come in variety of colors and as always fit for all sexes and ages. They have been popularized by comedy shows magazines and movies among others. Sapphire rings design also include engagement rings in a variety of sparkling designs. These rings are the choices of many young lovers who have made them their selection for making their partners regard the relationship with seriousness. The sapphire engagement rings are very beautiful and have been known to result to tears of joy and romance for the partners who have been offered them. In general rainbow sapphire jewelry has many unique designs. They also include bangles and necklaces. For bangles, the shiny amazing sapphire gemstone gives a blink that can be seen from quite a distance away. One needs to look out at the air of confidence around those that adorn them to conclude the greatness of this rainbow sapphire beauty. The choices for the stones designs remain to the buyer’s preferences- the bottom-line being that they are very many designs in offer.